few more days to go and there's March coming...
and the sky recently keep on raining
I do loves rainy days..
sort of sad and depressing feeling
time flew away fast
quarter year gonna passed
and I am still lost and finding my direction around
I've learned not to put too much expectation on things
although I love to do so..
wondering will there be a day
where I could just live without keep thinking what's going to happen the next moment?
imagination of mine is too wide that i would think and expect what i thought to happen
but things ain't all in my control and i hate the feeling when things i expected doesn't exist
I really should come back to reality and face it
I hates when I promised myself that I will change but it goes another way
I hates when I keep on brooking my own rules and live my life meaningless
I hates when find out that I am still the old me
and the expected me my expected plan do not go on
I hates
but nothing I can do
I am really tired of it and I am lack of motivation to go on
there's a sudden passion inside myself the moment I think of the pass
but it just maintain for several certain seconds and the passion gone
when I think of you, I was fully motivated
when I think about how I've been living, I was quite motivated to change it too
but those positive thinking just hold for few seconds
and it has already been replaced by the stronger sense of negative thinking
when I think of my persistence on you for few years endlessly
when I think of the betrayal the untrusted of others
when I think of the society ,the future
for the little moment I don't feel like wanna keep fighting
cause it doesn't make sense for me to fight for as they goes against me
how am I gonna live my life with all these thinking keep playing in my mind
and I keep struggling in between them?
I totally have no idea
but I've tried hard to maintain the missing passion
again and again..
hoping that there's one thing that could motivate me
and made me move forward
to work harder
and to live for a better life