Obsessed with movie and music that kinda old..
Never listen to this kind of song before before but found out that its quite nice too
Comparing with today's fast beat music
It is peace when listen to it
Thou i am not that old
Those 1990's HK movie became my favourite
So do the songs appeared inside it
Found that time passes just like seconds..
Few blinks of eye it's a year time..
I am getting older and older..
From memorable 15 yo to now i am 22yo
and next year will be my 23th
Keep persisting myself that everything will be fine
I am gotta make used my time wisely and leaving this hell place
Now only i realized..
The reason to keep you stay in a place is not the place itself
but are the people of the place
I have no more reason to miss this place that once i loved so much
I started to get homesick and miss KL so much
When a person started to miss their home
it means that the person has gone through a lots and grew up..
This is what we called life
We fall
We learnt
and we get up
Life is an endless story with unknown future
How's life?
just live and you will see