I just knew that it was impossible
but yet I still want to have a try..
just a try and i was hoping for a reply
although I knew it was impossible
my heart beat fast the moment I press the send button
take a deep breathe and telling myself to be brave for the last one time
I will regret if never put some effort for trying
I will regret too after i tried as things may not go as i expected
the whole night i cant get into sleeping well
turning around on my bed and wishing for miracle
I believed in miracle
although it never happened on me
early in the morning i woke up and the crystal necklace i wore has broken
it's a sign indicating that things wont go smooth..
and I believed it too
half day passed and there's nothing
I am still finding excuse for that
that he haven't seen the message i sent
that he's too busy to on FB
I am the expert of finding excuses
for others
and for myself
this made me feels better
just a try once again
although I have already know the result
just a try
and nothing much